Hi Folks,
Yes...this can be done as follows:
1. Create a file named FSRMFix.vbs out of the code below (without all the *'s)...this will make a VB function called fsrmReportLimit that can be fed 2 variables to increase report size limits
const scriptName = "fsrmReportLimit"
DIM limitNames
limitNames = Array("MaxFiles", "MaxFileGroups", "MaxFileOwners", "MaxFilesPerFileGroup", "MaxFilesPerFileOwner", "MaxFilesPerDuplGroup",
"MaxDuplicateGroups", "MaxQuotas", "MaxFileScreenEvents")
const optLimit = "/limit"
const optValue = "/value"
DIM objArgs, fsrm, strLimitName, strLimitValue
set objArgs = wscript.Arguments
if objArgs.count = 0 then
end if
if objArgs.count = 1 then
if objArgs(0) = "/?" then
end if
end if
DIM i, j
DIM strOption, strNewOption
DIM nModifyProperties
nModifyProperties = 0
for i = 0 to objArgs.count-1
if (LCase(objArgs(i)) = optLimit) then
strLimitName = objArgs(i+1)
i = i + 1
elseif (LCase(objArgs(i)) = optValue) then
strLimitValue = objArgs(i+1)
i = i + 1
wscript.echo "Error: invalid argument, " & objArgs(i)
end if
DIM limitNameCode
limitNameCode = -1
for i = LBound(limitNames) to UBound(limitNames)
if (LCase(strLimitName) = LCase(limitNames(i))) then
limitNameCode = i + 1
exit for
end if
if (limitNameCode = -1) then
wscript.echo "Error: invalid limit name, " & strLimitName
end if
set fsrm = WScript.createobject("fsrm.FsrmReportManager")
DIM newLimit
call fsrm.SetReportSizeLimit(limitNameCode, strLimitValue)
newLimit = fsrm.GetReportSizeLimit(limitNameCode)
if (Int(newLimit) = Int(strLimitValue)) then
wscript.echo "Report size limit " & limitNames(limitNameCode - 1) & " was changed to " & strLimitValue
wscript.echo "unable to change limit " & limitNames(limitNameCode - 1) & ". Limit is set to " & newLimit
end if
function PrintUsage()
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo scriptName & " /limit <name> [/value <value>"
wscript.echo " <name> - name of the report size limit to modify"
wscript.echo " <value> - new value for the size limit"
wscript.echo ""
wscript.echo "Report limit values:"
for i = LBound(limitNames) to UBound(limitNames)
wscript.echo " " & limitNames(i)
end function
2. Copy it to the C: drive of the file server and open an elevated command prompt
3. CD to the root of your C: drive (or wherever you placed the VBS file) and run the following command to, for example, increase the maximum files displayed in a report from 100 to 10000:
FSRMFix.vbs /limit MaxFiles /value 10000
4. The following is the syntax for the command:
FSRMFix.vbs /limit <limit> /value <value>
options for limit values are:
a. MaxFiles
b. MaxFileGroups
c. MaxFileOwners
d. MaxFilesPerFileGroup
e. MaxFilesPerFileOwner
f. MaxFilesPerDuplGroup
g. MaxDuplicateGroups
h. MaxQuotas
i. MaxFileScreenEvents